dx2204 发表于 2019-7-2 15:42:18


极速飞艇四两期稳赢计划322444 接待员qq2690383440 I'm 28(M), and for the first time in my adult life I am completely happy and at peace.There were so many times I wanted to give up
but didn't out of fear of hurting other people
or causing them problems.
But now as I sit writing this,
I own my own home after years of financial mistakes,
I have had a job for the last year and a half
that I'd kept applying for every year for seven years,
and by letting go completely of my self judgement,
I've found a wonderful girlfriend
who is supportive , loving
and makes me feel like I can conquer the world.
My health is improving
after trying consistently to find a diet and exercise plan that works.
I have a little bit of debt left that is slowly being whittled down
and have an end plan for that being paid.
The only advice I can give to anyone who read this is
if I can do it so can you,
persuade people to hang in there is so cliche
but honestly, when you keep pushing forward
and up there IS eventually a flat ground that sees all your hard work pay off

zuanAY 发表于 2019-8-13 15:01:21

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查看完整版本: 极速飞艇四两期稳赢计划322444